Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Measurement of Poverty



Measurement of Poverty:

Poverty is generally measured in terms of poverty line. Income is most commonly used indicator for measuring poverty. Therefore, objectively poverty can be measured in terms of the extent of currently agreed upon basic 'necessities' that income can fulfil. Generally there are two standard measures of poverty (i) Head Count, and  (ii) Poverty gap.

 (i) Head Count Ratio of Poverty:

The Head count ratio (Po) is the proportion of a population that exists, or lives, below the poverty line. Traditionally, this is done simply by just counting the number of poor, defined in a specific way and then expressing poverty as the ratio of the number of the poor to the total number of people in the society in question. In other words, head-count measure gives the ratio of the persons below the poverty line m to the total population 'n* the index (m/n) being known as the head count-measure, H. This is the common measure of overall poverty, and has been widely used by the economists to compare the poverty between two period of times. The headcount index (P0) measures the proportion of the population that is poor. It is popular because it is easy to understand and measure. But it does not indicate how poor the poor are?


Where: Np is the number of poor and N is the total population.

 The head-count measure of poverty pays no attention whatsoever to the extent of income shortfall of those who fall below the ’poverty line’: it matters not at all whether someone is just below the poverty line, or very far from it in starvation, acute misery and hunger.

(ii) Poverty Gap Ratio

 In this measure the aggregate shortfall of income of all the poor from the poverty line is calculated. In other words, poverty gap measure defines poverty in the ratio of the average income below the poverty line to the poverty line income, subtracted from unity. The poverty gap indicator is produced by the World Bank Development Research Group. It measures poverty by looking at household per capita income and consumption. The poverty gap index (P1) measures the extent to which individuals fall below the poverty line (the poverty gaps) as a proportion of the poverty line. The sum of these poverty gaps gives the minimum cost of eliminating poverty, if transfers were perfectly targeted. The measure does not reflect changes in inequality among the poor.

Gi = ( z - yi ), I (yi < z)  then the poverty gap index may be written asP1= 1/N ∑_(i=1)^n▒Gi/Z

Where: Gi is poverty gap z = poverty line y is the actual income for poor individuals

(iii) Squared poverty gap (“poverty severity”) index

 To construct a measure of poverty that takes into account inequality among the poor, some researchers use the squared poverty gap index. This is simply a weighted sum of poverty gaps (as a proportion of the poverty line), where the weights are the proportionate poverty gaps themselves; a poverty gap of (say) 10% of the poverty line is given a weight of 10% while one of 50% is given a weight of 50%; this is in contrast with the poverty gap index, where they are weighted equally. Hence, by squaring the poverty gap index, the measure implicitly puts more weight on observations that fall well below the poverty line.

 Formally:   P2= 1/N ∑_(i=1  )^n▒〖(G/Z〗)2

 This table shows how the poverty gap is computed, divided by the poverty line, squared, and averaged to give P2, the squared poverty gap index.

 (iv) Sen Index.

 Sen (1976) has proposed an index that sought to combine the effects of the number of poor, the depth of their poverty, and the distribution of poverty within the group. The index is given by

                   P =  Po ( 1- ( 1- G P ) µp/ z)

 Where: P0 is the headcount index, µp  is the mean income (or expenditure) of the poor, and G p is the Gini coefficient of inequality among the poor. The Sen index has been widely discussed, and has the virtue of taking the income distribution among the poor into account but its uses are mostly academic in nature.

 (v) Shorrocks-Thon (SST) index

 The Sen index has been modified by others, and perhaps the most compelling version is the Sen-Shorrocks-Thon (SST) index which is the product of the headcount index, the poverty gap index (applied to the poor only), and a term with the Gini coefficient of the poverty gap ratios (i.e. of the Gn’s) for the whole population.

 (vi) Watts index

 The first distribution-sensitive poverty measure was proposed in 1968 by Watts. Watts index is computed, by dividing the poverty line by income, taking logs, and finding the average over the poor.

The Watts index is attractive in that it satisfies all the theoretical properties that one would want in a poverty index, and is increasingly used by researchers in generating such measures as the poverty incidence curve

Measurement of Poverty- Head Count Ratio of Poverty

Measurement of Poverty:

Poverty is generally measured in terms of poverty line. Income is most commonly used indicator for measuring poverty. Therefore, objectively poverty can be measured in terms of the extent of currently agreed upon basic 'necessities' that income can fulfil. Generally there are two standard measures of poverty (i) Head Count, and  (ii) Poverty gap.

 (i) Head Count Ratio of Poverty:

 The Head count ratio (Po) is the proportion of a population that exists, or lives, below the poverty line. Traditionally, this is done simply by just counting the number of poor, defined in a specific way and then expressing poverty as the ratio of the number of the poor to the total number of people in the society in question. 

In other words, head-count measure gives the ratio of the persons below the poverty line m to the total population 'n* the index (m/n) being known as the head count-measure, H. This is the common measure of overall poverty, and has been widely used by the economists to compare the poverty between two period of times. The headcount index (P0) measures the proportion of the population that is poor. It is popular because it is easy to understand and measure. But it does not indicate how poor the poor are?

Po= Np/N                                  Where: Np is the number of poor and N is the total population.

The head-count measure of poverty pays no attention whatsoever to the extent of income shortfall of those who fall below the ’poverty line’: it matters not at all whether someone is just below the poverty line, or very far from it in starvation, acute misery and hunger.


Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI):

 Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI):

 United Nations in 2010 introduced this concept to measures poverty as an acute deprivation of essential aspects of life.

 It measures three key targets – living standards, education and healthcare.

Income based approach do not reveal the nature of poverty and the human sufferings. Poverty is basically denial of a range of material needs such as nutritious food, shelter, health care, education, drinking water etc. It is based on cost of subsistence in a given country. 

Worldwide approximately one billion people live on less than US $1.00 a day. From the year 2010 the HPI index has been replaced by a better and more comprehensive poverty measure the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) which goes beyond income poverty and gives a better understanding of different types of deprivation the poor may face. It incorporates 10 weighted indicators:

Table: 2 Weights assigned to various indicators

Serial No.



 Serial No.




Years of Schooling  






Child enrollment



Drinking Water



Child mortality









Cooking Fuel








The MPI reflects both the extent of poverty and its intensity and throws up some new light on Indian poverty. A person is poor in this index if he is deprived on at least 30% weighted indicators. By this definition 55% of India is poor twice the official figure released by Planning Commission based on the calorie norm.
