Monday, January 16, 2017

Planning Process in India

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  1. 1. Planning in India Prof. Mahendra K. Ghadoliya
  2. 2. Planning in India • On 26 January 1950, the Constitution came into force. As a logical sequence, the Planning Commission was set up on 15 March 1950 and the plan era started from 1 April 1951 with the launching of the First Five Year Plan (1951-56). • We have successfully completed twelve five year plans in the year 2017. • Now the new government at centre has decided to abandon the planning and have changed the structure of Planning Commission now it will be known as NITI Aayog.
  3. 3. Brief History of Planning • 1934 • It is rather surprising that blueprints for India’s planning first came from an engineer-administrator, M. Visvervaraya. He is regarded as the pioneer in talking about planning in India as a mere economic exercise. His book ‘Planned Economy for India’ published in 1934 proposed a ten-year plan. He proposed capital investment of Rs. 1,000 crore and a six-fold increase in industrial output per annum.
  4. 4. 1938 • In 1938, the Indian National Congress headed by Subhash Chandra Bose appointed the National Planning Committee (NPC) under the chairmanship of Pandit J.L. Nehru to prepare a plan for economic development. The NPC was given the task of formulating a com- prehensive scheme of national planning as a means to solve the problems of poverty and unemployment, of national defence, and of economic regeneration in general. However, with the declaration of the World War II in September 1939 and putting leaders into prison, the NPC could not march ahead and the report could not be prepared.
  5. 5. Bombay Plan- Gandhian plan and People’s plan 1944&1945 Sarvodaya Plan 1950 • The Bombay Plan was prepared by 8 leading industrialists of Bombay in 1944, the People’s Plan given by M.N.Roy (1945)and the Gandhian Plan given by S.N.Agrawal (1944): • One of the most widely discussed plan during the 1940s was the Bombay Plan prepared by the Indian capitalists. It was a plan for economic development under considerable amount of government intervention. • It emphasised the industrial sector with an aim of trebling national income and doubling of per capita income within a 15- year period. Under this plan, planning and industrialisation were synonymous.
  6. 6. • An alternative to the Bombay Plan was given by M. N. Roy in 1944. His plan came to be known as People’s Plan. His idea of planning was borrowed from the Soviet type planning. In this plan, priorities were given to agriculture and small scale industries. This plan favoured a socialist organisation of society. • In the light of the basic principles of Gandhian economics, Shriman Narayan Agarwal authored ‘The Gandhian Plan’ in 1944 in which he put emphasis on the expansion of small unit production and agriculture. Its fundamental feature was decentralisation of economic structure with self-contained villages and cottage industries. • Sarvodaya plan was given by Jai Prakash Naraian.
  7. 7. Planning Commission: • After independence, the Planning Commission was set up by the Government of India in March 1950. The Commission was instructed to: (a) make an assessment of the material capital and human resources of the country, and formulate a plan for the most effective and balanced utilisation of them; (b) determine priorities, define the stages for carrying the plan and pro- pose the allocation of resources for the due completion of each stage; (c) To act as an advisory body to the Union Government; (d) determine the conditions which (in view of the then current socio- political conditions) should be established for the execution of the plan. (e) to advise the centre and the state governments.
  8. 8. National Development Council: a) All the plans mase by planning commission have to be approved by NDC first. It was constituted to build cooperation between States and the Planning Commission. b) Like Planning Commission NDC is also an extra constitutional body- legal body. c) It was set-up on 6th August 1952 State Planning Boards is the Apex Planning body at State Level with Chief minister as Chairman, Finance and Planning Ministers of the state and some technical members. District Planning Committee is also there comprising both official and non-official members
  9. 9. Timings of Five Year Plans Plan Period • First Plan 1951-56 • Second Plan 1956-61 • Third Plan 1961-66 • Three Annual Plans1966-69 • Fourth Plan 1969-74 • Fifth Plan 1974-78* • Annual Plan 1979-80 Plan Period • Sixth Plan 1980-85 • Seventh Plan 1985-90 • Annual Plan 1990-92 • Eighth Plan 1992-97 • Ninth Plan 1997-02 • Tenth Plan 2002-07 • Eleventh Plan 2007-12 • Twelfth Plan 2012-17
  10. 10. Characteristics of Indian Plans • Five year Plans • Developmental Planning • Comprehensive Planning • Indicative Planning • Democratic Planning • Decentralised Planning or Planning from Below • Objectives of Indian Plans: • A higher rate of growth than was being realised in the absence of the plan; • 2. A greater degree of economic equality than was possible under free enterprise; • 3. Full employment opportunities for the growing labour force of the country; • 4. Economic self-reliance; and • 5. Modernisation.
  11. 11. Objectives of different plans and Development Strategy • Phase-I Growth Oriented Development Strategy: • First plan- It was a repair Plan made to take care of severe damage caused by war, famine and partition. • Second Plan – It was a import substitution led long term growth based on industrialisation. • Third Plan- Public sector led growth, reducing concentration of economic power • Phase-II Equity Oriented Development strategy: • Annual Plans:Adaptation of new agricultural strategy. • IV Plan:Growth with stability • V Plan: Alleviation of poverty • VI Plan: Target group approach • VII Plan: Direct attack on the problems of poverty
  12. 12. Objectives of different plans and Development Strategy • Phase-III Post liberalisation Development Strategy: • Inward looking development model was replaced by Export- led growth strategy. • Liberalisation, Globalisation, Privatisation (LPG) Strategy • IX & X Plans: Growth with social justice • XI Plan: Inclusive growth • XII Plan: Faster sustainable and more inclusive growth • Development strategy • Indicative Planning • Growth with justice • Resource allocation • Advisor to States Skilling India • Think tank • Achieving growth targets • Removal of corruption • Good governance • Democratic values to be strengthened.

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