Sunday, March 25, 2018

Distinguish between (i)Clean and Dirty Exchange Rates (ii) Depreciation and Devaluation

                  Clean and Dirty Exchange Rate
Whenever the Central bank of the country do not intervene in the foreign exchange markets, in other words do not buy or sell currencies in the market, and allow the exchange rate to be determined freely by the market forces of demand and supply in the economy then the system is called clean exchange rate system.
Dirty exchange rate system is also called managed floating exchange rate system where the central bank intervenes in the foreign exchange markets by buying or selling the foreign currencies. In such a case, the exchange rate is managed or influenced by the intervention of the Central bank in the markets.

                  Depreciation and Devaluation

The terms devaluation and revaluation takes place under the system of fixed exchange rate syatem. A currency is devalued whenever its price is lowered by the central bank in terms of the foreign currency. Similarly a currency is revalued whenever its price is raised by the central bank with respect to the foreign currency. 
On the other and under flexible or floating exchange rates the terms used are depreciation and appreciation. A domestic currency is said to be depreciated whenever the foreign currency becomes more expensive in terms of domestic currency. Similarly, a domestic currency appreciates whenever it becomes expensive in terms of the foreign currency. 
For example if Indians have to pay more for buying a dollar then it is depreciation of Indian rupee and when we have to pay less for buying a dollar it is appreciation of Indian rupee.

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