Monday, February 13, 2017

Preparing a Research Project Proposal

Preparing a Research proposal

  1. 1. Preparing a Research Proposal Prof. Mahendra Kumar Ghadoliya
  2. 2. Research: Purpose and Question(s) – Why this Research? – Who owns it? For whom? Who funds it? – Research Questions and their evaluation: – From the owner, self and/ or colleagues – Brainstorming, prioritizing (using scoring, ranking or voting techniques). – Selecting one or more of them- it should be a guide, not too narrow, nor too broad. – Practical constraints of time, resources, etc.
  3. 3. Literature Review – Essential Part of every research exercise – Not an extensive list of relevant references. – Should reflect: – Selective, purposeful and critical reading – That you have a reasonable understanding of the area of your research – Where your work fits in the area concerned - Could be a chapter or inter spread within the body of text
  4. 4. Research type – Historical – Descriptive – Experimental
  5. 5. Approach, Design, Tools – Large scale survey, in-depth case study, experimentation, participatory and action research,… – Surveys, Documentary analysis, Interviews, Focus group discussions experimental designs, mixed… – Interview schedules, Questionnaires,…
  6. 6. Your work plan – Are you in a team or a sole researcher- your role – What is the locale of research and the time plan – What/who are you researching- How many groups or individuals? – How do you conduct it and with what tools? – What kind of data to collect, how to analyse it? – What constraints and biases do you see and their management? – How do you present, disseminate or use your findings?
  7. 7. Research Activities – Decisions regarding the type, approach and design – Identification of the subject, sampling and grouping – Preparation of research instruments, testing of the instruments – Collection of Data, its organisation and analysis, reaching conclusions – Preparation of the report and dissemination of outcomes
  8. 8. Outcomes – Findings and conclusions – Recommendations – A Manual, Guidelines for--- – Policy directions – Sequential findings (action research) for further work
  9. 9. Dissemination of Outcomes – Preparation of Team mates, colleagues and/or stakeholders – Research report, papers for sponsors and journals. – Institutional, one’s own and/or other relevant websites – Outcome specific strategies
  10. 10. Limitations and Delimitations – Handicaps: – Funds, time, geographical terrain, institutional constraints,… – Design: – Experiment related, sample, expert support – Execution: – Slipe, accidents,… – Delimitations: Limits of the exercise
  11. 11. References – Format consistency: – Consistency within the text – Report-end details – Computer Packages: – Endnote for formatting – Website References: – Should be complete with dates and downloaded timings – Should be reliable
  12. 12. Appendices – Any significant information/ detail that does not suit the flow of presentation in the report: – Questionnaire. Interview Schedule,… – Timetable – Budget – Etc.
  13. 13. Timetable – Exploratory Work: – Identifying the purpose and the related Research Question and working out the rational for the exercise – Literature Review: – Consequent improvement in the research questions and the rationale – Research activities: – Preparation of report: – Dissemination:
  14. 14. Customization – Presentation: – I /III person, consistent format for references. – Donors’ Format: – Goals, purpose, activities, outcomes, and costs; )measurable indicators, means of verification, assumption) – Ethics: – Subjects’ protection and other related issues

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