Monday, March 28, 2016

Discuss the scope and objectives of industrial relation.

 What is an Industry:

Industry has been defined in Section 2(j) of the Industrial Dispute Act 1947 as any business, trade, undertaking,manufacture,calling of employees and include any calling service, employment, handicraft,industrial occupation or avocation of workmen.  Thus, the definition of IR is very broad and subject to varying interpretations.

Scope of Industrial Relation:

1. Industrial relations,studies relations between labour union and management.
2. Employer-employee relations i.e. relations between management and employees.
3. In Industrial Relation we study the role of various stakeholders such as employers, employees, and state in maintaining harmonious industrial relations.
4.It also covers the mechanism of preventing and resolving industrial disputes between employers and employees, in   case conflicts arise.
Objectives of Industrial Relation:
1. Establish and maintain sound relationship between workers and management by safeguarding their interests.
2. Avoid industrial conflicts by developing mutuality among the interests of concerned parties.
3. Keep, as far as possible, strikes, lockouts and gheraos at bay by enhancing the economic status of workers.
4. Provide an opportunity to the workers to participate in management and decision making process.
5. Raise productivity in the organisation to curb the employee turnover and absenteeism.
6. Avoid unnecessary interference of the government, as far as possible and practicable, in the matters of relationship between workers and management.
7. Establish and improve industrial democracy based on labour partnership in the sharing of profits and of managerial decisions.
8. Socialise industrial activity by involving the government participation as an employer.


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