Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Machinery for Prevention of Industrial Dispute

Machinery for Prevention of Industrial Dispute

We have already discussed the meaning,causes and the consequences of industrial dispute. It is harmful for the overall growth of the production and productivity. It also give rise to tensions and destroys harmony. therefore, in a developing country well defined mechanism should be there to prevent such disputes ans if occurs settle them so that uninterpreted growth may continue.
The machinery for prevention of industrial dispute has been summarized in the below give chart:  

1] Labour Welfare Officer : Section 49 (1) and (2) of the Factories Act, 1948 specifies that every factory wherein 500 or more workers are ordinarily employed at least one welfare Officer must be appointed, where the number  of workers are in excess of 2500,the assistant and / or additional welfare officers are required to be  appointed to assist the Welfare Officer.
The functions of Labour Welfare Officer include:

(I) Labour Welfare Functions: Advice and assistance in implementing legislative and non-legislative provisions relating to:
(a)    Health &Safety
(b)   Working conditions
(c)    Sanitation & Cleanliness
(d)   Recreation
(e)    Welfare Amenities
(f)    Workers Education
(g)   Services like Co-operative grain shops, housing cooperatives.
(h)   Formation of welfare committees.
(i)     Housing
(j)     Implementation of welfare Acts.
(II) Labour Administration Functions: These may cover:
(a)    Organizational Discipline
(b)   Safety & Medical  administration
(c)    Wage& salary administration
(d)   Administration of Legislation covering Industrial Relations
III) Labour Relations Functions: These may consist of:
(a)    Administration of standing orders.
(b)   Settlement of Grievances.
(c)    Settlement of Disputes through statutory procedures.
(d)   Trade unions& union management relations
(e)    Steps to increase productivity efficiency.
2] Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies:
Industrial relations in India have been shaped largely by the policies and practices of Tripartite and Bipartite bodies.
The purpose of consultative machinery is to bring the partners together for mutual settlement of differences in spirit of cooperation and goodwill.
Bipartite machinery comprises two parties i.e. employees and employer, the important bipartite body is works committees.
                    Works Committee:   
Works committees greatly contribute in prevention of industrial disputes. It is represented by an equal number of representatives of each party and the method of their appointment is also laid down in agreements or enactments.
Objectives and Functions:
(a)    To promote industrial goodwill.
(b)   To secure cooperation from employers and employees.
(c)    To ensure the cooperation of private concerns.
(d)   To provide for a popular agency for supervising the management of nationalized undertakings.
(e)    For the successful working of the works committee, the employers are required to abstain from doing anything that is likely to hamper various facilities to workers. The Trade unions on the committees also have to abstain from doing things that upset the operations of the undertaking.
3] Standing Orders:
Majority of the industrial disputes are related to conditions of employment.  To prevent this, Standing orders are formulated. It was made obligatory that standing orders should govern the conditions of employment under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act of 1946. The Standing Orders regulate the conditions of employment from the stage of entry to the stage of exit.
4] Grievance Procedure: Grievance generally arises from day – to- day working relations. Grievances of the employees are readdressed by the management. Management can prevent the occurrence of industrial disputes by solving the individual problems.
5] Collective Bargaining :
Collective bargaining helps for settlement of issues and prevention of industrial disputes. It occurs when representatives of a Labour union meet management representatives to determine employees’ wages and benefits, to create or revise work rules and to resolve disputes or violations of the Labour contract.
6] Strong Trade unions: Trade union is the most suitable and effective agency to conduct collective bargaining on behalf of the workers. A powerful bargaining may be achieved by strong trade unions, which enable the workforce to maintain harmonious relations with the management.
7] Labour Co-partnership and profit sharing: Good industrial relations can be maintained through proper partnership and profit sharing; employer gives a portion of total profits to workers in addition to their normal wages. This sort of attitude of management would create psychological conditions favorable for industrial peace.
8] Joint Consultation: Joint Consultation involves a continuous relationship between Labour and management and expects willingness of management and the participation of workers in discussing common problems of interest. This is the result of collective bargaining relations on a stable basis when parties know each other well and have a mutual trust.


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