Friday, October 12, 2018

MCQs on Indian Economy

Q.1.     The plan put forward by Janta Party Government at the centre in 1978-1980 is called:
            a) Janta Plan                            c) Rolling Plan
b) Sarvodaya Plan                    d) Peoples  Plan

Answer : C
Q.2      Battle of Plassey was fought in the year:
            a) 1857                        b) 1757                        c)         1747                d)         1737
Answer:  B
Q.3       Peoples plan was  prepared by --------------------------- before Independence. Explain.
 Sriman Narayan Agarwal  formulated this plan in 1944. This plan gave more emphasis on agriculture. Gandhians do not agree with the views of Bombay Plan which supported leading role of industrialisation. Do not favour centralised planning, dominant state. Industrialisation is the root cause of Poverty.          
Q.4      Name the Land tenure system in British India.
1. Zamindari  System  
2. Mahalwari System  
3. Ryotwari System

Q.5      What is Human Development Index (HDI)?


Human Development Index (HDI) is the appropriate tool to judge the development in the economy. Based on the development, the HDI statistics rank countries. It considers the overall development in an economy regarding the standard of living, GDP, living  conditions technological advancement, improvement in self-esteem needs, the creation of opportunities, per capita income, infrastructural and industrial development and much more.
Q.6 -----------------  Plan was put forward by 8 leading Industrialists in 1944.
Answer:           Bombay Plan
This is clear from this formula that HDI was constructed in 1990 by simple arithmetic Mean.             
Q.7      ----------------- was the leader of the team of UNDP responsible for preparing HDI in 1990? Justify
Answer:            Mahbub ul Haq
Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq created HDI in 1990 which was further used to measure the country's development by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Calculation of the index combines four major indicators: life expectancy for health, expected years of schooling, mean of years of schooling for education and Gross National Income per capita for standard of living.
Q.8      Note the three parameters of HDI 1990.
            1.         Standard of Living
            2.         Knowledge     
3.         Life Expectancy         

Q.9      First Industrial Policy in India was declared in the year:
           a)         1950                                        c) 1848
           b)         1956                                        d) 1948
Answer - D
Q.10    The Period of IV Five Year Plan was
            a) 1966-1971                           c) 1980-1985
            b) 1969-1974                           d) 1970-1975
Answer- B

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