Friday, May 5, 2017

Discuss the Nature of Business.

Nature of Business
A.     Business is a Social System:
A system conveys the idea that everything is inter-related and inter-dependent. The human body is a good example of system, which consists of a number of body organism, parts, or subsystems, which act together as a system to perform a certain bodily function independently yet in perfect harmony with other sub-systems. Each subsystem is dependent on another sub-system. Thus, system is a combination of interrelated parts operating as a whole; and the parts form a sub-system of the system. The system becomes a social system when it relates to people. A business is a complex economic and social system, which interacts with other parts or sub-systems in the society. It normally aims to earn profit and provide social service to the community. Every action of business is related to external forces, which have a bearing on the functioning of business.  The social systems receive inputs from its environment. Business is a social system having production, marketing, financing personnel, R&D and its sub-systems. A product must be produced, and this is accomplished by the production function (or the production sub-system). The product must be sold and distributed and the marketing sub-system performs this job. Each of these sub-systems, in turn, is composed of few other sub-systems. For example the marketing sub-system would have advertising, marketing sales, research, inventory, consumer relations sub-systems. For a firm it is essential that all its sub-systems operate in a coordinated way so that the whole system operates in a balanced and integrated manner.
Main Characteristics of Business as a Social system:
a.      Sub-systems make a system: business is a system that consists of various sub-systems. It can be compared with human body in which different organs performs different functions e.g. eyes perform the function of seeing while the hands do work. However, various parts are interrelated, affecting each other in various ways through their inputs and outputs among themselves. Similarly, business is also a part of larger system, which again is a part of the complete industrial system and so on, until all related parts, makes a larger known system. Thus, what is a whole system from one angle is a sub-system from the other angle. The sub-system is also called a “lower order system” compared with a “higher order system”[1].
b.      Social system is dynamic in nature: The social system is not static but dynamic in nature. The dynamism is due to the fact the social system relates to the human beings that are living, thinking and always active. This characteristic of social system makes it variable and uncertain making social system difficult challenge for the managers. One should not draw conclusion that everything in business is uncertain and unstable. With this dynamism is found equilibrium among its various parts and its external environment. Keith and Blostorm[2] compare this equilibrium with a quite ocean filled with moving sea life and waves-all of which operates in a balanced manner. In the dynamic set-up, a business needs to maintain satisfactory equilibrium, both internally and externally, in order to survive and make reasonable progress to achieve its objectives. If this harmony does not exist, business may not achieve its objectives.
c.       Business viability: Viability implies the drive to live and grow. Business viability means adaptability to change as per circumstances. The change may be in the business environment, technology, working condition, or raw material combination. Business has to respond, change and adjust so that it continues for a long period.
d.      Public visibility; Business should be visible to the society. The idea of public visibility is that business activities are subject to public examination, discussion and judgement by the society. If any of the activity do harm to the society it is subject to face criticism in press and media. The activities of the organisation may be directly observed, such as polluted atmosphere when smoke is seen coming out of a mill chimney or polluted water due to discharge of industrial waste in the nearby water bodies. Sometimes the government keeps an eye over such industrial units and enacts laws to protect the society from the harmful effects of the business.
e.       Social values: Business normally operates in an environment of social values both of society and those of business itself. For business, such values are derived from various sources such as the mission of the business as a social institution, the country in which the business is located, the type of industry in which it is active and the nature of its employees. After some time these, become official policy of the business. Social values perform certain important functions. One, they become guides for the employee decisions in the interest of business and its environment; and two, they become strong motivators for people in the business. Thus, they become a key factor in the system relationship of business with society[3].
f.        Interface with external environment: Business maintains an effective equilibrium by keeping a cooperative relationship between the internal and the external factors. An individual business cannot work in isolation and is, therefore, related to other business and social groups. This area of contact between one system and another system has been termed as interface. Areas of interface are of vital significance because they are sources of inputs into the systems. These systems help in producing outputs. The business interacts with external agencies as well to receive regular inputs, information and feedback, which enables it to take corrective actions to maintain equilibrium with its environment. Thus, it should be noted that business organizations are open systems interconnected with such external groups as customer, trade unions, employee associations’ government and other agencies.
Business is a product of the technological, political-legal, economic, social, cultural global and natural factors.
B.     Business as an economic activity:
Although during recent time, the nature of business has undergone change and it is being looked at as a social institution but still mainly, it is an economic activity as it relates to earning profit. The following are the characteristics of business as an economic activity;
a.      Economic activity: Economic activity relates to the satisfaction of human wants by utilising and coordinating the scarce resources and multiple wants. Economic activity may take various forms such as consumption, production, distribution, and exchange. Depending on these the nature of business may also differ e.g.  business may consist of a manufacturing or production unit, marketing unit or a service unit. All these activities have one thing in common and that is profit motive.
b.      Business adds Utility: Business is a transformation Unit that utilise various inputs such as labour, land, technology, capital, skill, energy, etc. and transforms various inputs into final output for consumption. Thus, it adds utility to a product or service and sell it on profit. This transformation helps him to keep surplus value with him. The transformation process has been shown in Figure 1.2.
a.      Business resources are limited and scarce: Business has to take decisions and fix priorities. The aim of business is to earn profit. As the resources available are scare or limited, the moat beneficial alternative is selected.

[1] Davis, Keith and Blomstorm, Robert,l. (1975)  “Business and Society: Environment and Responsibility”, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New York. PP13
[2] Davis, Keith and Blomstorm, Robert, l. (1975)  “Business and Society: Environment and Responsibility”, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. New York. PP14
[3] Ibid.p.15

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