Friday, May 19, 2017

What is meant by Green Accounting in National Income Accounts? What are its objectives and why the Green accounting method has been developed?

 Green Accounting:
Prof.Mahendra Kumar Ghadoliya
“Green accounting is a type of accounting that attempts to factor environmentalcosts into the financial results of operations. It has been argued that gross domestic product ignores the environment and therefore policymakers need a revised model that incorporates green accounting.”Wikipedia, (

Our national income data are useful indicator of economic health of a country. Gross Domestic Product measures the level of economic activity and indicates the variations in these activities. The national income data do not incorporate the environmental concerns in it. It is now believed that the development alone does not matter, it should be sustainable so that our posterity may live in the same comfort, which we had if not better.  System of National Accounting (SNA) has three main defects:
a)     It neglects the depletion of natural capital such as land, forests, water, minerals etc.
b)     Environmental pollution is not reflected in the SNA.
c)      Expenditure incurred in facing the external effects of environmental degradation becomes the part of SNA.
In recent years, a new system of sustainable accounting, known as Green Accounting, has emerged. “It permits the computation of income for a nation by considering the economic damage and depletion in the natural resource base of an economy”.
On the earth day US president Clintonsaid in his address from white house on 21st April, 1993 that the Bureau of Economic Analysis should come out with a ‘Green GDP’ measure that would incorporate changes in the natural environmentinto the calculation of national income and wealth. This was the beginning of Green Accounting or Environmental Accounting for sustainable development. The development path we have followed in the past has caused serious threats to the environment and in the name of growth we have polluted water in the rivers and seas, denuded forests, heated up the globe and depleted ozone layer. The development should be without destruction i.e. it should be sustainable development.
To me,“sustainable development is the development that rationally utilises the available resources natural as well as man-made so that present as well as future generations may satisfy their needs comfortably.” The concept of sustainable development is not static but dynamic in which exploitation of resources, the direction of investment, the orientation of technological development and institutional changes are made consistent with present as well as future needs. The notion of more fully incorporating the use of natural resources and the environment into the national accounts have been called Green Accounting.
Why Green Accounting:
Measures of the economic activity in the system of National Income Accounting can be misleading as:
(a)   Environmental quality is not reflected in the conventional data.
(b)  Depletion of natural resources is not considered.
(c)   Earlier economists believed that natural resources were gift of nature. This was wrong in fact their quality has an impact on the quality of life.
(d)  The expenditure made on maintenance of the environmental hazards is mistakenly considered as investment in the System of National Income Accounting (SNA)
Sustainable development requires meeting the basic needs of all by increasing productive potential without threating natural eco system that support life on earth. Minimising the requirements of non-renewable resources, the conservation of plant and animals and use of technology for reduction in environmental degradation.
Objectives of Green Accounting:
To overcome the above mentioned drawbacks of system of national accounting  the statistical division of UN has developed the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). The SEEA focuses on:
1.      Accounting for depletion of scarce natural resources.
2.      Measuring the cost of environmental degradation and its prevention.
Redefining Growth and Development.
Accounting economic growth
Control Population,
Equitable distribution of income
Rational use of available resources
Use of appropriate technology.
We appreciate much better today that economic and environmental system are interdependent and that there are trade off. While economic growth gives rise to pollution it also suggests ways and provides technology and resources to improve environmental quality. Indira Gandhi the prime Minister of India, declared at the UN Stockholm Conference that poverty is the biggest polluter and that growth is essential for removal of poverty and preserve environment. Thus, growth per se  is not bad, what we need is right kind of growth. Thus, environmentally sound sustainable development has now been accepted as a desirable objective.

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