Wednesday, May 23, 2018

MCQs on Economics

60-A high average level of rear income per head is always associated with a high proportion of the working population engaged in __________ sector.
a.      Primary
b.     Secondary
c.      Tertiary
d.     None of the above
(Ans: c)
61-Natural resources determine the course of development and constitute the challenge which may not be accepted by the human mind. “Who has said it”?
a.      W. Arthur Lewis
b.     J.I. Fisher
c.      Jan Tinbergen
d.     W.W. Rostow
(Ans: a)

62-The credit of developing the concept of modern economic growth goes to:
a.      Arthur Lewis
b.     Michael P. Todaro
c.      Gunnar Mydral
d.     Simon Kuznets
(Ans: d)

63-The most simple and popular method of measuring economic development is to calculate the trend of gross national product (GNP) at __________
a.      Current prices
b.     Constant prices
c.      Both of the above
d.     None of the above
(Ans: b)

64-“Underdeveloped countries are the slums of the world Economy.” This statement is by
a.      Ragnar Nurkse
b.     A.N. Caimcross
c.      Colin Clark
d.     Jagdish Bhagwati
(Ans: b)

65-Which among the following is a characteristic of underdevelopment?
a.      Vicious circle of poverty
b.     Rising mass consumption
c.      Growth of industries
d.     High rate of urbanization
(Ans: a)

66-According to W.W. Rostow, the stages of economic growth are:
a.      Two
b.     Three
c.      Four
d.     Five
(Ans: d)

67-Most of the underdeveloped economies suffer from ____ which do not let the rate of growth go up from a lower level.
a.      High population pressures
b.     High infant mortality
c.      Hugh monetary mismanagement
d.     High level of technological unemployment
(Ans: a)

68-By __ growth rate of an economy can be speeded up.
a.      Investment in share market
b.     Investment abroad
c.      Investment in human capital formation
d.     Investment in primary sector
(Ans: c)

69-When the population growth rate of an economy becomes greater than the achievable economic growth rate, it is known as:
a.      Population Explosion
b.     Population Trap
c.      Population Crisis
d.     None of the above
(Ans: b)

70-‘Planning from below’ is known as:
a.      Centralized planning
b.     Functional planning
c.      Decentralized planning
d.     Structural planning
(Ans: b)

71- _________ got the highest priority during the first plan period in India.
a.      Self reliance
b.     Growth with social justice
c.      Development of Agriculture including irrigation
d.     Removal of unemployment
(Ans: c)

72-An expression coined by economists to describe in economy that is growing at such a slow pace that more jobs are being lost than are being added:
a.      Stagflation
b.     Recession
c.      Growth Recession
d.     Ritchet Inflation
(Ans: c)
73-Which five year plan in India gave emphasis on Co-operative Federalism?
a.      Ninth five year plan
b.     Tenth five year plan
c.      Eleventh five year plan
d.     Twelfth five year plan
(Ans: a)

74-Which Five year plan in India had ‘poverty alleviation’ as one of its objectives?
a.      First five year plan
b.     Third five year plan
c.      Fifth five year plan
d.     Seventh five year plan
(Ans: c)

75-Who has contributed the modem theory of interest rate determination?
a.      Paul A. Samuelson
b.     Gunnar Myrdal
c.      Knut Wicksell
d.     J.R. Hicks
(Ans: d)

76-Whose name is associated with the “Uncertainty-bearing theory of profit”?
a.      J. Schumpeter
b.     F.H. Knight
c.      J.B. Clark
d.     F.W. Watker
(Ans: b)

77-Who has sought to measure Consumer’s Surplus with the help of indifference curve technique?
a.      Alfred Marshall
b.     Edgeworth
c.      J.R. Hicks
d.     Pareto
(Ans: c)

78-Who among the following has given the modem theory of distribution?
a.      Nicholas Kaldor
b.     Wicksteed
c.      David Ricardo
d.     Mrs. Joan Robinson
(Ans: a)

79-ln a free enterprise economy, which among the following are the determinants of Investment?
a.      Rate of interest
b.     Marginal efficiency of capital
c.      Both A and B
d.     None of the above
(Ans: c)

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