Wednesday, May 23, 2018

MCQs on Money Banking and International Trade

24-Fisher’s ideal index number is:
a.      Arithmetic mean of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index
b.     Harmonic mean of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index
c.      Geometric mean of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index
d.     None of the above
(Ans: c)
25-Which among the following is NOT a correct statement?
a.      Welfare economics is based on value judgements.
b.     Welfare economics is also called ‘economics with a heart’.
c.      Welfare economics focuses on questions about equity as well as efficiency.
d.     The founder of Welfare economics was Alfred Marshall.
(Ans: d)
26-Who is the ‘lender of the last resort’ in the banking structure of India?
a.      State Bank of India
b.     Reserve Bank of India
c.      EXIM Bank of India
d.     Union Bank of India
(Ans: b)

27- ____ is the official minimum rate at which the Central Bank of a country is prepared to rediscount approved bills held by the commercial banks.
a.      Repo rate
b.     Bank rate
c.      Prime lending rate
d.     Reverse repo rate
(Ans: b)

28-In order to control credit, Reserve Bank of India should:
a.      Increase CRR and decrease Bank rate
b.     Decrease CRR and reduce Bank rate
c.      Increase CRR and increase Bank rate
d.     Reduce CRR and increase Bank rate
(Ans: c)

29-Which among the following is a function of the Reserve Bank of India?
a.      Bank issues the letters of credit to their customers certifying their creditability
b.     Collecting and compilation of statistical information relating to banking & other financial sectors
c.      Banks under write the securities issued by public or private organizations
d.     Accepting deposits from the public
(Ans: b)

30-Credit creation power of the commercial banks gets limited by which of the following?
a.      Banking habits of the people
b.     Cash reserve ratio
c.      Credit policy of the central bank
d.     All of the above
(Ans: d)

31-Number of times a unit of money changes hands in the course of a year is called_______
a.      Supply of money
b.     Purchasing power of money
c.      Velocity of money
d.     Value of money
(Ans: c)

32-_____ is the difference between total receipts and total expenditure.
a.      Capital deficit
b.     Budget deficit
c.      Fiscal deficit
d.     Revenue deficit
(Ans: b)

33-What is meant by Autarky in international trade?
a.      Monopoly in international trade
b.     Imposition of restrictions in international trade
c.      Removal of all restrictions from international trade
d.     The idea of self sufficiency and no international trade by a country
(Ans: d)

34-The following is the direct tax among:
a.      House tax
b.     Entertainment tax
c.      Service tax
d.     Value Added tax
(Ans: a)

35-Which among the following is a cause of inflation?
a.      Deficit financing
b.     Rise in external loans
c.      Unfavourable balance of payment
d.     A hike in the CRR by the central bank of the country
(Ans: a)

36-Cost push inflation occurs because of:
a.      Wage push
b.     Profit push
c.      Both A and B
d.     Ineffective policies of the government
(Ans: c)
37-Which among the following is NOT correct?
a.      During inflation lenders suffer and borrowers benefit out’
b.     Rising inflation indicates rising aggregate demand and indicates comparatively lower supply and higher purchasing capacity among the consumers’
c.      With rising inflation the currency of the economy depreciates provided it follows the flexible currency regime.
d.     Inflation decreases the nominal (face) value of the wages while the real value increases.

38-The capital that is consumed by an economy or a firm in the production process is known as:
a.      Capital loss
b.     Production cost
c.      Dead-weight loss
d.     Depreciation
(Ans: d)

39-Who propounded the opportunity cost Theory of international trade?
a.      Ricardo
b.     Marshall
c.      Heckscher & Ohlin
d.     Haberler
(Ans: d)

40-Which among the following is NOT correct?
a.      Floating exchange rate system works on the market mechanism
b.     Floating exchange rate breeds uncertainties and speculation
c.      Economic and political factors and value judgments influence the choice of the exchange rate system
d.     The system of floating exchange rate requires comprehensive government intervention
(Ans: d)

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