Sunday, May 20, 2018

Short Answer Questions

 Explain the difference in employment condition in organised and unorganised sectors?

1. In organised sector working conditions are regulated on the basis of Government Rules and regulations. Whereas in unorganised sectors there are rules but they are not strictly followed. 

2. Workers have job security in the organised sector but in unorganised sector there is no such security.
3. Workers get weekly holidays. There is no such arrangement in the unorganised sector.
4. Workers get medical facility. There is no medical security in the unorganised sector.
5. Workers get retirement benefits in the organised sector. There are no such benefits.

What is an organised sector? Describe its working conditions.

Ans. Organised Sector : This sector covers those enterprises or places of work where the terms of employment are regular. They are registered by the government and follows the government rules and regulations. Employees have the job security.

Working Conditions :
(i) Fixed working hours an organised sector : In organised sector working hours are fixed. If employees are working after the fixed time, he would be paid over time for it.
(ii) Wage structure divided under various heads : The wage structure is divided under various heads like provident fund, gratuity and various allowances.

(iii) Employees get pension after retirement in organised sector.


Explain four features of an organised sector.

Ans. Four features of organised sectors :–
(i) Workers have job security.
(ii) Government rules are followed properly in terms of employment.
(iii) Post retirement facilities are provided.
(iv) Workers get paid holidays, medical facilities, bouns, gratuity, etc.

Q.6. In which sector are most of the people employed and why?

Ans. Most of the workers are employed in Primary Sector, because :—
(i) Not enough jobs have been created in the secondary and tertiary sectors.
(ii) More than half of the workers in the country are working in the primary sector although Primary sector contributes only one third of G.D.P.

Describe any three problems faced by workers in the unorganised sector.

Ans. The workers of unorganised sector face following problems :–
(a) They are not paid according to government rules. They are underpaid.
(b) They are not given other facilities like holidays, medical facility, gratuity, etc.
(c) They can be asked to leave without any reason. There is no job security. Workers are hired as and when needed and then asked to leave job without any compensation.

Why is agriculture an activity of unorganised sector in India?

Ans. Agriculture is a sector which is not regulated by the government because land belongs to an individual. Hence farmer or whoever owns the land hires workers as and when required. So government cannot intervene in hiring or regulating work conditions. Agriculture is fully dependent on natural factors, and these factors are not within control of any human being or government. Moreover, most of the fields are small and scattered being cultivated by small and marginal farmers. It is just not possible to put agriculture in organised sector.

How can the workers in the unorganised sector be protected? Explain.

Ans. In the rural areas, the unorganised sector mostly comprises of landless labourers, small and marginal farmers, artisans, etc. These people need to be supported through adequate facility for timely delivery of seeds, agricultural inputs, credit, storage facilities and marketing outlets. In the urban areas, unorganised sector comprises mainly workers in small-scale industry, casual workers in trade, transport and construction, etc. Small scale industries need government support for procuring raw material and marketing of output. The casual workers need to be protected by law. A separate body of rules and regulations need to be made to manage activities in the unorganised sector.

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