Sunday, May 20, 2018

What do you mean by tertiary sector? Explain the role of this sector in the Indian economy.

Ans. The economic activities that support primary and secondary sectors are included in tertiary sector. This includes transport facilities, banking facilities, medical facilities, education facilities etc. This sector is very important for an economy.
It is going to be more important for India because due to rapid industrialisation several activities are needed like, transport, banking, marketing, insurance etc. Skilled educated class is required for all sector which has to be provided by education sector. When income level increase people demand more services like catering, tourism etc.
Several new services like information technology have come up which are providing great employment opportunities.
Tertiary sector is growing rapidly because:
(i) India’s economy is growing fast. Several services like hospital, educational institutions, post, telegraph, police, courts, municipality, transport, banks, insurance etc are needed.
(ii) Development of agriculture and industry lead to the development of services such as transport, trade, storage etc, so these would be in greater demand.
(iii) As income level increases certain sections of people start demanding many more services like eating out, tourism, shopping, private hospital etc.
(iv) Certain new services have emerged like information and communication technology which have become important.

Tertiary sector has become important in India due to
(i) Basic services like hospitals, education, post and telegraph, courts etc. are the responsibility of the government.
(ii) Demand for services such as transport, trade, storage has increased with the development of primary and secondary sectors.
(iii) Demand for tourism, shopping, private schools, private hospitals etc. increased with the increase in the level of income.
(iv) Rapid growth of service sector also benefitted from external demand such as software industry and call centre services.

Q.11. What is the significance of secondary sector in Indian economy? How does it help in the economic development of the country?

Ans. After independence secondary sector or manufacturing sector became the most important in total production and employment. In the past 30 years, service sector has taken a lead in terms of total production and employment. However, tertiary sector is largely dependent on secondary sector. Goods produced need to be sold, marketed and distributed. Banking activities and insurance sector get a boost by an expanding secondary sector. All sector are inter-related and expansion or shrinking of one sector has effects on other sectors too. As of now primary sector is the leading employer followed by tertiary and secondary sectors in that order. In terms of share in GDP tertiary sector is the leading sector followed by primary and secondary sectors.

Q.12. Explain how a shift has taken place between sectors in developed countries?

Ans.  After the Industrial revolution new machine based methods of manufacturing and technological revolution took place. People who worked in farms started working in factories in large numbers. Secondary sector gradually became the most important in terms of production and employment. The growth of secondary sector was also considered as a basic requirement of economic growth and development.
 Hence, over a time, a shift had taken place from primary to secondary sector. In the past 100 years there has been a further shift from secondary to tertiary sector in developed countries. The service sector has become the most important in terms of total production. Most of the working people are currently employed in the service sector. This is the general pattern observed in developed countries.

Q.3. Explain how public sector contributes to the economic development of India.

Ans. Public sector was considered as  important sector for the development of economy after independence of India. Many basic and Heavy industries requiring huge capital investment and infra structure industries were established in India in Public sector. Achieving the commending heights in the economy was the goal of this sector.
(i) There are several things needed by the society as a whole but which the private sector will not provide at a reasonable cost. As huge sum of amount is needed which private sector can not afford, so public sector is needed there. For example, building bridges, railway etc. such projects also have long gestation period so public sector was considered the only option.
(ii) There are several basic activities which government has to support, for example, selling electricity at lower cost, providing driking water at affordable rate etc.
(iii) There are some activities which government has to perform like providing health and education facilities. So public sector is needed.
But now the liberalization wave is gaining momentum and private sector has come a long way. We can see that it is participating in a big way. Governments are dis investing in public sector and moving out through privatization.

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