Wednesday, May 23, 2018


51-Monetary policy is implemented by in India.
a.      The Ministry of Finance
b.     Planning Commission
c.      The Parliament
d.     Reserve Bank of India
(Ans: d)

52-Under the Industrial policy of 1991:
a.      The mandatory convertible clause is applicable to all term loans.
b.     The mandatory convertible clause is applicable to term loans of more than 10 years.
c.      The mandatory convertible clause is applicable to term loans of less than 10 years.
d.     The mandatory convertible clause is no longer applicable.
(Ans: d)

53-Balance of Payment on capital account includes:
a.      Balances of private direct investments
b.     Private portfolio investments
c.      Government loans to foreign governments
d.     All of the above
(Ans: d)

54-Which country was the first to adopt a gold standard in the modern sense?
a.      Italy
b.     France
c.      Great Britain
d.     Portugal
(Ans: c)

55-To eradicate the problem of poverty, Twenty Point Economic Programme was launched for the first time in India on:
a.      7th July, 1971
b.     7th July, 1975
c.      26th January, 1951
d.     15th August, 1983
(Ans: b)

56-_____unemployment may result when some workers are temporarily out of work while changing job
a.      Seasonal
b.     Frictional
c.      Disguised
d.     Technical
(Ans: b)

57-Which among below is the economic effect of population pressure in India?
a.      Higher burden of unproductive consumers on total population
b.     Disintegration of family
c.      Overcrowding of cities
d.     Ecological degradation
(Ans: a)

58-Which among the following may be considered as a significant cause of low agriculture productivity in India?
a.      Defective tenancy reforms
b.     Lack of enthusiasm among farmers
c.      Conservative social systems
d.     Absence of agricultural inputs to raise productivity
(Ans: a)

59-What have been the reasons of deficit in India’s Balance of Trade in the past?
a.      Very large rise in imports
b.     Modest growth of exports
c.      High cost and low quality production
d.     All of the above
(Ans: d)

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