Saturday, May 5, 2018

MCQs on Indian Economy B.Com (Hons) IV semester

 Highlighted answers are correct.
Economic Development is a ------------ concept than economic growth
a) Single Dimensional                                   b) Double Dimensional
c) Multi-dimensional                                     d)   None of these
Q.2       Real GNP can be obtained by:
a) Deflating nominal GNP                             b) Adding nominal GNP
c) Multiplying by 100                                   d)  Dividing by 100
Q.3       Economic Factors in Development include:
            a) Caste                                                          b) Health
            c) Religion                                                      d) None of these      
Q4.       Three core values of development given by Prof. Goulet include:
            a) Freedom, Capabilities & Self-esteem     
            b) Self-esteem, Life sustenance & Choices
            c) Religion, Self-esteem & Happiness         
            d)  Life Sustenance, Self-esteem & Freedom
Q.5       The name which is commonly used to describe backward countries:
            a) Poor           b) Under-developed                         c) Developing                        d) Developed
Q.6       Capital Output Ratio is ----------------- in low income countries.
a) Higher        b) Lower                    c) Moderate               d) None of these
Q.7       Silent Spring (1960) exposed the dangers of ---------------.
a) Industrialisation   b)  DDT          c)  Birds                      d) None of these

Q. 8      First United Nations conference on Human Environment opened at Stockholm in
            a) 1987                       b) 1972                      c) 1973                       d) 1970
Q. 9      “Limits to Growth” (1972) is a publication of---------------------------.
            a)         D.H. Meadows                                    b) R. Randers
            c)         Carson                                                            d) Club of Rome
Q. 10   “Our Common Future” was published in 1987 by UNWECD is also known as:
            a) Brundtland Report                                   b) IUCN report
            c) UNDP Report                                             d) Human development Report
Q.11    Kyoto Protocal was initially adopted in:
            a) 1987                       b) 1997                      c)2005            d) 2011

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