Thursday, May 17, 2018

Some one marks questions

1.      Define a plan.
A plan spells out how the resources of a nation should be put to use. It should have some general goals as well as specific objectives which are to be achieved within a specified period of time.
2.      Why did India opt for planning?
At the time of independence Indian economy was in its worst stage. The GDP, National and per-capita income were very low and unemployment was very high. The industrial growth was insignificant and agriculture sector was not doing well. The resources were very limited so India opt for planning because it spells out how resources of a nation should be used efficiently and economically so the rate of growth can be accelerated.
3.      Why should plans have goals?
We have limited resources and unlimited wants. We may not achieve all our objectives in one go. So one much set certain goals and plan to achieve them in specific time period. A plan may have some general goals as well as some specific goals which are to be achieved in specified period of time. Goals are desired achievements for which all the efforts and resources are directed to achieve it.
4.      What are miracle (HYV) seeds?
Miracle seed are HYV seeds helpful in increasing production of crops. The use of these seeds require fertiliser, pesticides and irrigation facility to achieve their full potential. HYV seeds have been the main stay of Green Revolution in India.
5.      What is marketable surplus?
Marketable surplus refers to the difference between total output produced by a farmer and on farm consumption or we can say the portion of agriculture produce which is sold in the market by the farmers is called marketable surplus.
 Marketable Surplus= Total farm output Produced by a farmer -  own consumption of farm output.
6.      Explain the need and type of land reforms implemented in the agriculture sector.
At the time of independence the land tenure system was characterised by intermediaries called zamindars. These intermediaries charged high rent and paid no attention towards improvement of land. This de-motivated the actual tiller as a result the productivity was very low. So land reforms were introduced:
Abolition of intermediaries
Consolidation of Holdings
Regulation of Rent
Ceiling on land
Redistribution of land.

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